The Holidays are here, and what a strange year it has been.
Generally this time of year leads us to thinking about what the year as a whole looked like. What our wins and losses were. Generally I use December to reflect on how well I hit my goals and resolutions, while setting the next year's manifesto and ideals.
Well very few of the things I wanted to happen...did. My 2020 goals got wrecked, and worse my lack of achievement wrecked me further. I pride myself in ticking things off of To-Do Lists. To planning what everyday of the week looks like and setting lofty goals for every month of the December of the previous year. So looking at a list undone, a year of empty boxes, time lost and impossible to get back is tough to grapple with. That brings me to this moment.
Goals for 2021.
Do we lower our expectations because this past year was so egregious?
Contrarily do we reach twice as high to make up for lost time?
Have we all learned about ourselves this year and maybe know a little more about how to make room for both?
A goal I had set for 2020 was to lighten up my work load (little did I know....) and that is one I have achieved by no choice of my own. But this upcoming year I want to throw myself further into work. I set a goal of visiting 3 National Parks, and thanks to only having time to go explore, Jess and I saw 15 or so (I stopped counting). I had planned on moving out of my current home into something smaller to have a smaller environmental footprint and more space for gardening, that did not happen so I will keep that on the list. I wanted to work on my habits and productivity and most days I would work in my sweats and I made a lot of baked goods and cheat meals in the last 9 months.
1. Be purposeful with time & efforts.
2. Live efficiently with less things & less waste.
3. Photograph something different every month.
4. Build healthy habits & self care.
5. Learn Something New.
6. Know when to rest.
7. Be consistent.
I'm going to need your help on these this year! The first way you can help is by picking something for me to learn! I'm thinking a language? Let me know what you think.
Do you like to write a manifesto, a goals list, do a vision board, pick a single word for the year, or do you like to just fly by the seat of your pants? I wanna know!